Stepmothering, Part Deux


For starters it should be noted that I am no better of a parent than I was when I last posted about Stepmothering-ish. Just so we’re all clear.

I recently tried to be all adult and parent-like and take the kid out for lunch. This was an attempt to try to get things back to normal-ish, per his request. As you may or may not remember nothing has really changed in my world and it was in fact he who created the abnormalities by stashing pot in his room then hiding at his mother’s house rather than owning up to any sort of punishment when my husband found it.

Life is fucking hard.

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You know when you’re in high school and you have your heart completely and totally ripped out by a teenage boy?

Great! Then you’re ready to be a stepmother-ish. You’ve already been hurt by a 16-year-old a-hole so you’re familiar with the process.

JUST KIDDING. Get ready for round 2 of teenage heartache. And this bitch packs an unforeseen emotional punch.

Continue reading “Stepmothering-ish”