Maybe A Dingo Ate Donald Trump


I’m going against my own beliefs about keeping politics off social media here but since it’s for the good of the country, I’m giving myself a pass.

I am the first to say, I hate politics. Like really fucking hate politics. And I don’t know shit about them. Because they are boring as fuck. My reaction toward a political discussion is not dissimilar to that of one about football or going to museums: my eyes glaze over and my mouth goes dry and I instantly want to eat candy and take a nap.

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Math Is Dumb

Homer's counterexample of Fermat

I read somewhere once — no one cares where — that blanket statements are “never useful” and “vague” and “non-committal.” Well guess what assholes, so am I. Cause this blanket statement is super useful, very concise and I’m strongly committed to it:


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Get Yer Politics Off My Social Media


Ahhh, remember the old days when Facebook was new-ish, Myspace was finally dying off and you were starting to see faces of people you’d gone to high school and college with on the internet? You’d log on and think “Oh cool, I remember him, he was a good dude, let’s be internet friends” or “Sweet, I can friend my whole family and never have to actually see them” or “Man that bitch looks like hell and she was a real crotch in high school, I win.”

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I Heart Nothing: A Special Valentine’s Tribute


Valentine’s Day, blech.

I mean I could basically leave it at that, right?

I’m sure it’s no shock to anyone that this girl’s cold, dead heart does not warm in the slightest to the idea of an entire fucking day dedicated to love and romance and doing unnecessary shit for people in your life when all you really want to do is look at the internet and drink a glass of stainless steel chard in your pajamas.

Continue reading “I Heart Nothing: A Special Valentine’s Tribute”